Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Enter contest to win FREE photo session plus picture package!

Click the image above to go directly to our fan page!
Enter to win a free session plus pictures from Still Moments Photography! Contest runs through May 8!

FB Contest!

Need some professional pics of the family? Have you been putting it off? Here's your chance to get it for FREE! Check out the FB contest going on now, for your chance to win a session with a photographer!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Why do we train with Kettlebells in boot camp?

Variety is the key to sticking to a regimen! I read that quote this week, and it resonated with me. It's so true. I believe that one of the primary reasons clients stay with us at Texas Fit Chicks Boot Camps, is based on the fact that you will never do the same workout twice! We have several women that have been with us since July 09' and while they are now pros at what it means to do a tabata burpee series...they never know what's coming next with me! You've got to mix it up with your body to see continual results as well. Our bodies adapt amazingly well and quickly, so in order to keep seeing results, you trainer constantly has to mix it up for you!

This week we introduced the Kettlebell in boot camp. It's exciting to finally have a kettlebell for each of you in class. There are so many benefits of using the KB vs the Dumbbell. There is so much freedom of movement you have, and the exercises we are going to incorporate to our workouts will mimic real life movement patterns, natural to our body, reducing the risk of injury in daily life!

The kettlebell has a displaced center of gravity. Think about your daily activities and the movements required. Most of our activities require some sort of balance, lifting, pulling with things not centered in the palm of your hand and even weight on both sides of it! Some examples of this would include: carrying the groceries, walking a dog and for many of us, carrying around a little one! We all know that the weight and movement required to balance for that can be very challenging! When you swing the kettlebell - the momentum pulls it away, but you counter it by pulling it toward you. As the weight is pushed or swung overhead, immediatlely you establish your center of gravity and stabalize. Your core will become the supportive functional structure it is meant to be. 'Your upper back, including your neck, will become strong and stable. KB sculpting will create and reinforce strong muscles and bones, conditioning them statically and dynamically from every angle, while maintaining your center of gravity.' This is all done while also giving you a great cardio benefit. If you are in boot camp with us, you know that it's not long before you are working up a sweat and breathing heavy! You get a great 2 for 1 with the KB - cardio and muscle sculpting...AND it's fun!
You can expect the following benefits from your time spent with the kettlebell...

Increased Energy
Increased aerobic/anaerobic capacity and reduction in both active and resting heart rate
Optimized lung function
Improved balance and coordination
Enhanced joint stability
Enhanced or maintained bone density
Elimination of muscular imbalances

Not to mention the cosmetic Results....
Fat Loss
Reduced, slimmer waistline
Leaner Thighs
Improved posture, especially for the often underused and neglected upper back
Reduction of cellulite
Tighter stomach and core following pregnancy

Of course, you will not see those great cosmetic benefits if you don't have good nutrition for the other 23 hrs of the day that you aren't in boot camp...but if you do, expect those results!

Kettlebells are a great addition to our workouts, and I hope you are enjoying the benefits!

Texas Fit Chicks
Ordinary Women...Extraordinary Results!