Monday, June 20, 2011

Bootcamp Fit Chicks in Meridiths' 7pm McKinney have this to say...

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After Texas Fit Chicks I have more energy, strength; I really feel stronger all over.
I would highly recommend Texas Fit Chicks to anyone. - Deena G.

Bootcamp has helped me on many levels...outside of getting stronger as the weeks pass by, I feel better. I feel healthier, stronger, more energized, sleep better, and all those things that come with working out. But I also think it has added structure in areas where I was lacking it. I've started really considering what I consume and put in my body these days where I had never really given a thought to it in the past. I've seen results and in those results it makes me want to work harder and get in even better shape. I would definitely recommend TFC to friends and family...even strangers! I thoroughly enjoy the workouts. ~ Tracy E

"My attitude and confidence improved just after the 1st week. I've always been selfish w/my evenings & really didn't like obligating myself to regular evening activities. Again, result = lethargy, frustration, FAT! I love TFC being in my regular schedule and look forward to italmost every time! I heard my husband telling a friend the other evening that he hoped the budget would always be there for this because it has made a huge difference in my self esteem and attitude! I thought to myself "he's right, I do feel different"! I'm doing things I didn't think I could. I still have a long way to go building lung capacity etc, but I've come so far it's not even funny! AND, the inches lost were the icing on the cake! I think I lost 5+ inches the first round, or maybe it was 6+!! My weight is on a down trend and I actually have muscles!! It's reinforced and reminded me, we can do anything if we set our mind to it, apply the effort, and trust the Lord for strength!! WHOOHOOOO!!! We are all at different levels of fitness but everyone is encouraging and cheering each other on. Of course great groups are usually the result of leadership....... Meredith you are AWESOME. So encouraging, friendly, caring, dedicated, need I go on?! I have loved getting to know you, you are a blessing!" Bridgette B.

My clothes fit better! I don't feel like a stuffed sausage! I recommend Texas Fit Chicks Bootcamp all the time and love the incentives you give to get people to sign up. It is affordable compared to the personal trainers at a gym. And it is just fun! I look forward to another session. Holly

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