Wednesday, March 29, 2017

MARCH: Trainer Spotlight!

Terah Risner gets the spotlight this month. Terah was laser-focused on making the 2016 trainer trip. She hit that, but then just kept blowing past the finish line and was determined to have growth through what is normally our slower season. Terah had 16 Chicks in Sept 2016. She's kicked that up to 34 this month!

In conversations with Terah she said she uses Sweat Angels heavily and posts on FB, but she really attributed most of her success to the environment she creates in camp and the personal attention she provides to each Chick - all of the time. They have become her biggest marketers!

Terah has an incredible amount of humility and is definitely not one to tout her success - but after some convincing she agreed to put some of her approaches in writing and let us share with you! 

I've been a Fit Chick trainer for almost 2 years, starting with my evening class in May of '15, and my morning class June of '16. I've learned one thing about myself that I try to radiate during every class. I want to connect with and empower women. I want my chicks to find a strength and a happiness inside themselves that they've never known. 

I truly believe that because I create this atmosphere and experience every time my chicks come to class, it has greatly impacted my turnover rate and my referral rate. Side note, I do participate in the Sweat Angels/Causely program. I highly recommend doing this if you haven't. I write on a whiteboard a reminder to check in, and that month's hashtag. 

My chicks never know if I've had a bad day. There is no negativity from me or my chicks. It's not allowed!! I'm a huge goofball during camp and try to get them to them loosen up, laugh, and enjoy themselves while they workout. They get 110% of my attention for that full hour. I greet them with a smile and tell them that I am excited to see them. I ask about their day. If they've been missing class, or not seeming themselves, I check in. I talk to them, text them, and find out what's up. Everyone's different and needs encouragement in different ways. I want to find their 'why' so I can be a better trainer for them personally! 

I am huge supporter of non-scale victories. We celebrate them and do shoutouts during class. If I notice someone doing a full bur-pee instead of modified, moving up in weights, or a push-up on their toes when they've been on their knees - I call them out! I let them know I noticed! I call out people individually to let them know I see them putting in the effort. If I see new muscles popping, I'll take pictures and send them to that chick after class. I make sure my advanced chicks are working to their fullest potential, and that my beginners never feel left behind. If that means I finish part of the workout with my beginners, then I do it! 

I try to get my chicks to connect outside of camp as well. It's about creating that fit family! I do a big introductory shoutout in our chick-only fb group for everyone that joins us. We do a Chick's Night Out every couple months, which really helps everyone get to know each other. I like to throw in occasional workouts. I did a super fun themed Christmas workout, and we all had a blast!!

On Wednesdays, I do a #WonderWomanWednesday shoutout on my fit chick fb page to someone that's stood out that week. I make a photo collage of her, and a quick blurb about why she's so awesome. I have gotten so many individual thank you's just for doing these. Y'all, the power of a compliment is HUGE! Maybe they need a pick-me-up, or maybe they're not feeling their progress, or maybe they don't get compliments any where else! 

Another thing I try and do every class is read a motivational quote during stretch, and talk about what it means to me and how to apply it to our lives. I got this idea at a leadership training last March. It's not always about fitness. Many times it's personal motivation.

I always end class letting my chicks know that someone loves and cares for them. Yep, I tell my chicks that I love them! And remind them that they are beautiful, amazing women, and that they are important to someone - me :) 

Great job,Terah!! 

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