There are no words to express our feelings about what is happening to us here in Texas. The rains continue to fall in Houston, on top of what is already wide spread devastation. From the cities of Port Aransas, Rockport, Corpus Christi, and Victoria all the way to Houston, our state is experiencing what is the worst natural disaster ever to hit Texas and possibly the United States in history. It is being called a 1,000 year flood. Harvey has devastated our Gulf Coast and rains continue to pour.
We have so many chicks in these areas, and we just want to let you know we are praying. We are here to support you. We are a sisterhood, and we continue to send our love, thoughts, prayers, and donations to help. We know that so many people will come together in our great state to overcome this tragedy. Many of our trainers have already headed up individual camp efforts to help, so we urge you to get with your local trainer if you'd like to get involved.
We will keep you updated on their efforts, and as the rains move out, we will be here praying and helping. Please reach out to us directly, if you are one of our chicks, and in need of support.
Camps Helping for Harvey:
San Antonio Northwest Texas Fit Chicks
M,T,Th 7pm
T,W,F 5:15am
~Collections taking place this week~
5, 6 and 8:30 am
Chicks are asked to bring toiletries, clothing, blankets, and nonperishable food to class this week.
Items will be taken to the drop off site at Harley Davidson of Dallas in Allen.
"I just heard on the radio that first responders are running out of socks and underwear says they are using daily items like that and unable to wash their clothes." -LeighAnne
Richardson Texas Fit Chicks
(MWF 5:30am-6:30am) Texas Fit Chicks Richardson
(MWF 7:00am-8:00am) Richardson Mid-City Texas Fit Chicks
(MTTh 7:00pm-8:00pm) Richardson Evening Texas Fit Chicks
As you know, Texas Fit Chicks has camps throughout the Houston and South Texas area. We love and support this area of Texas and are working to do what we can to help!
👉This week at all Richardson camps, please bring any of the items below. Trainer Teri will be collecting and making a delivery (or more than one if necessary!) to Network of Community Ministries here in Richardson--an organization that is helping with the Hurricane Harvey relief.
Network is a fantastic, trustworthy organization that does amazing work here in Richardson.
❤️Harvey Help press release from the City of Richardson:
👀See below for most needed Harvey items:
Richardson Network of Community Ministries
👉Cash or in-kind donations
(Suggested $35 donation)
👉New underwear and socks (all sizes)
👉Non-Perishable food
👉Feminine hygiene products
👉Baby diapers, wipes and formula
👉Blankets, towels, pillows
If you prefer to make a cash donation directly to Network or any of the agencies helping with relief and recovery, here are several links:
❤️Network of Community Ministries:
❤️The Red Cross:
Suggested $10 donation
❤️Salvation Army
Suggested $25 donation
Thank you for any help you can give!
Haslet Texas Fit Chicks is hosting a Charity Drive for the Hurricane Harvey victims and first responders. Please bring all of your non perishable donations of: food, clothing, socks, underwear, bras, shoes, toiletries, diapers, baby wipes, formula, baby food, sanitary napkins, blankets, towels etc to bootcamp or my home, and I will personally take everything to the donation center in Dallas. I encourage you to collect from neighbors and friends as well. Thank you and God Bless you!
We ask that you only donate new clothing. Especially personal items like underwear and socks and bras. We are told first responders are running out of these essential items as laundry can't be done.
If you want to donate money instead these are vetted charities where the money actually goes to the victims not to a CEO making millions:
Richardson Texas Fit Chicks
(MWF 5:30am-6:30am) Texas Fit Chicks Richardson
(MWF 7:00am-8:00am) Richardson Mid-City Texas Fit Chicks
(MTTh 7:00pm-8:00pm) Richardson Evening Texas Fit Chicks
As you know, Texas Fit Chicks has camps throughout the Houston and South Texas area. We love and support this area of Texas and are working to do what we can to help!

Network is a fantastic, trustworthy organization that does amazing work here in Richardson.

Richardson Network of Community Ministries

(Suggested $35 donation)

If you prefer to make a cash donation directly to Network or any of the agencies helping with relief and recovery, here are several links:

Suggested $10 donation

Suggested $25 donation
Thank you for any help you can give!
Haslet Texas Fit Chicks
We ask that you only donate new clothing. Especially personal items like underwear and socks and bras. We are told first responders are running out of these essential items as laundry can't be done.
If you want to donate money instead these are vetted charities where the money actually goes to the victims not to a CEO making millions:
-Minuteman Disaster Response: Minuteman Disaster Response is a first-responder support team comprised of highly skilled volunteers that offer life-saving services at disaster scenes.
-Mercy Chefs: Mercy Chefs is a non-profit, faith-based charitable organization committed to providing high-quality, professionally prepared meals to victims, first responders, and volunteers during natural disasters and national emergencies.
-The Goodness Project: The Goodness Project works with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) providing life-sustaining necessities directly to those affected by disaster.