One of the most amazing parts of being a Fit Chick is accomplishing more than you realize you can annnnnd one of the best parts of being a Fit Chick Trainer is empowering women to do these things. Take a minute to read this amazing testimony from my chick Amanda! Talk about an inspiration! She is a lot stronger than she gives herself credit for and I am truly inspired to be with her on her fitness... journey!!

At the young age of 18 I was diagnosed with a rare non curable neurological disease called Charcot Marie Tooth; this condition damages the nerves in the arms and legs.
In the past nine years I have been told I cannot run, jump, or do anything weight bearing for the rest of my life.
With this diagnosis I have been severely depressed and gained an excess amount of weight. I always say that “I just want to be normal” and do all the activities the people around me got to do!
So far, I have tried box gyms, fitness camps, and a personal trainer. Mind you all of these programs are awesome if you have he capabilities to do them! However, I would never return because I felt I couldn’t keep up or felt singled out.
Fast forward to a few months ago...I was scrolling through Facebook and saw Christy’s post for TFC! I was so excited because it was all women! I messaged her and told her I was interested in trying out camp and also my limitations due to my condition. Her response itself had so much motivation!
So one Tuesday I was super hesitant and full of fear and decided to go to class! I can 100 percent say it was the best decision I have ever made and for once I fill like I belong somewhere and the exercises were within reach! I have never once felt discouraged.
With all this being can do it! I have learned that normal is what you make it and to not let limitations choose your path for you!! I will forever be grateful for Christy and her daily motivation and super encouraging words!
Tues.Thurs.Fri 5am or 6am
Hwy 35 & State School Rd.
Christy @
#TexasFitChicks #livethefitlife #TFCUnicorns #lifestylechange #healthyliving #LoveYourBody #ReachYourGoals #getfit #strongwomen #workout #dentontexas #dentonbootcamp #getfitdenton #gethealthydenton #empowering#sisterhood #goals #YouCan #YouMakeYou #MakeYourself #BeConfident #CommitToYourDreams #ComfortZone #FitChicksCrushIt #CharcotMarieTooth See More
At the young age of 18 I was diagnosed with a rare non curable neurological disease called Charcot Marie Tooth; this condition damages the nerves in the arms and legs.
In the past nine years I have been told I cannot run, jump, or do anything weight bearing for the rest of my life.
With this diagnosis I have been severely depressed and gained an excess amount of weight. I always say that “I just want to be normal” and do all the activities the people around me got to do!
So far, I have tried box gyms, fitness camps, and a personal trainer. Mind you all of these programs are awesome if you have he capabilities to do them! However, I would never return because I felt I couldn’t keep up or felt singled out.
Fast forward to a few months ago...I was scrolling through Facebook and saw Christy’s post for TFC! I was so excited because it was all women! I messaged her and told her I was interested in trying out camp and also my limitations due to my condition. Her response itself had so much motivation!
So one Tuesday I was super hesitant and full of fear and decided to go to class! I can 100 percent say it was the best decision I have ever made and for once I fill like I belong somewhere and the exercises were within reach! I have never once felt discouraged.
With all this being can do it! I have learned that normal is what you make it and to not let limitations choose your path for you!! I will forever be grateful for Christy and her daily motivation and super encouraging words!
Tues.Thurs.Fri 5am or 6am
Hwy 35 & State School Rd.
Christy @
#TexasFitChicks #livethefitlife #TFCUnicorns #lifestylechange #healthyliving #LoveYourBody #ReachYourGoals #getfit #strongwomen #workout #dentontexas #dentonbootcamp #getfitdenton #gethealthydenton #empowering#sisterhood #goals #YouCan #YouMakeYou #MakeYourself #BeConfident #CommitToYourDreams #ComfortZone #FitChicksCrushIt #CharcotMarieTooth See More