Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Non Scale Victories!!

Are others noticing the changes in your body? BRING on the compliments!! The kind words from others noticing your hardword speak loud and clear! They keep you inspired.

Remember that muscle weighs more than fat!! Fat also takes up more surface space than muscle. Although the numbers do not suggest you lost weight you may be toning and getting leaner!!

Daily Activities Are Easier
Are your daily tasks getting easier?! Feel like you have more time for you? That's great your body is adjusting to your new healthier lifestyle!

Increased Energy and Better Mood?
Reduced fat and increased muscle reduced the level of fatigue your body feels when having to carry extra weight around. Feeling better about your healthier choices would give anyone a positive energy boost!

Clothes Don't Lie
When the pair of jeans that once were too snug to fit now fit like a glove means progress has been made!!

What is Texas Fit Chicks? 
We create a fun environment for women to lose weight and get FIT! With over 125 camp times and locations across the state of Texas, we are the leader in womens' fitness. Our trainers are all (female) nationally certified and have a true passion for helping other women GET fit or STAY fit! Designed to be modified for all ages and levels of fitness, Texas Fit Chicks Boot Camp will change the way you look at fitness and yourself! We think every woman should have access to a trainer, at an affordable price. We believe that there is no need to yell, scream or intimidate women into working out and pushing themselves. Our trainers encourage you to push to the next level in a safe and effective way. You won't ever get bored or do the same workout twice! We have many clients that have been with us since we started, in 2009.
Our program is designed to dramatically change the way you look and feel in as little as 4 weeks. Our workouts and female fitness experts can help you reach your goals, in a healthy, sustainable way. Texas Fit Chicks includes a full body composition from your trainer before and after your session, and a free meal plan from a nutritionist to maximize your boot camp results. This plan includes family friendly recipes and printable grocery lists to make healthy eating simple.
For a full list of our locations, please visit our website www.texasfitchicks.com Are you a certified trainer interested in joining our team? Find out more here: www.fitchicktrainers.com

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

DENTON Texas Fit Chicks: Chick Transformation!!


In May 2014, I turned 35, and had an epiphany that changed my life.  I was overweight, unhealthy, and unhappy.  Although I had never exercised regularly in my life, I realized that was the key to being the person I wanted to be.  After a recommendation from a friend to try Texas Fit Chicks, I signed up without even trying it first.  I arrived my first day already feeling defeated, like I wouldn't fit in or ever be able to keep up.  I had on baggy clothes and tried not to make eye contact with anyone, hoping to be invisible. Then this crazy bubbly trainer named Christy Riley came bouncing over, welcomed me to the group, and kept telling me I was doing great!  After that first week I thought I might literately die and I wanted to quit.  But I kept going, and gradually I got stronger, and things got easier, and the most amazing thing happened.  I started to become a happier person....I started waking up looking forward to the day instead of dreading it.  I started feeling good, on the inside and the outside.  I have a pep in my step that I have never had before! I have lost weight and inches too, but the happiness and confidence I have gained is the best part. And I have made some amazing friends along the way!  I wouldn't have been able to make such a drastic change in my life without my amazing trainer and friend Christy.  She has been one of my biggest cheerleaders, and is always there to keep me going.  Christy and TFC have truly changed my life, and I will be forever grateful for that! 

Contributed By:
Helping you live the FIT LIFE ~
Christy Riley, NASM ~ CPT
Texas Fit Chicks Boot Camps

What is Texas Fit Chicks? 
We create a fun environment for women to lose weight and get FIT! With over 125 camp times and locations across the state of Texas, we are the leader in womens' fitness. Our trainers are all (female) nationally certified and have a true passion for helping other women GET fit or STAY fit! Designed to be modified for all ages and levels of fitness, Texas Fit Chicks Boot Camp will change the way you look at fitness and yourself! We think every woman should have access to a trainer, at an affordable price. We believe that there is no need to yell, scream or intimidate women into working out and pushing themselves. Our trainers encourage you to push to the next level in a safe and effective way. You won't ever get bored or do the same workout twice! We have many clients that have been with us since we started, in 2009.
Our program is designed to dramatically change the way you look and feel in as little as 4 weeks. Our workouts and female fitness experts can help you reach your goals, in a healthy, sustainable way. Texas Fit Chicks includes a full body composition from your trainer before and after your session, and a free meal plan from a nutritionist to maximize your boot camp results. This plan includes family friendly recipes and printable grocery lists to make healthy eating simple.
For a full list of our locations, please visit our website www.texasfitchicks.com Are you a certified trainer interested in joining our team? Find out more here: www.fitchicktrainers.com