Monday, November 23, 2015

Texas Fit Chicks Sisterhood

Texas Fit Chicks is more than a fitness program. It's a sisterhood. A bond. 

"TFC Sisterhood = we come from all walks of life...different backgrounds, ethnicity, religion, beliefs, family units, personal battles, everyday stress & the list goes on but at our 5 am work outs with our trainer none of that matters. We come together to achieve the same thing; in that one hour all we have to worry about is make it through the work out, to push ourselves, to remember to laugh through the pain, to support one another & to be a friend to a complete stranger because all of you are going through the same thing at that very moment! This is my sisterhood missing a few & few new ones have joined our crazy family since this picture but all the same we are all hero's chasing the same dream!" -- Nicole

"When I found #texasfitchicks, I found my family. I went looking for a way to get fit, and I gained friends and family in the process. These girls rally around one another through the good, the bad, the in between while celebrate even the smallest of accomplishments. When a fellow chick has a hardship, they are the first to jump in to lend a hand. When a fellow chick hits a goal, they are the cheerleaders on the sidelines waiting to congratulate with a big hug. When one of us is struggling to make it through that last round of reps, or we start to get down on ourselves because we think we aren't good enough to "compete" with the others; its in that moment they remind you there is no competition. There is only motivation and inspiration. Because, together, we are on this journey. Each and every one of us. And that's sisterhood." -- Ashley

"You set a great example of a positive, uplifting instructor. Nobody's competing with each other, just against ourselves. Anytime you get women willing to be vulnerable in front of each other, creating empathy not judgment, "sisterhood" is born! " -- Vanessa


#texasfitchicks #family #sisterhood #TFCsisterhood#womenonly #embrace #inspire #motivate #love#sisterhoodispowerful


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