Tuesday, May 10, 2016

CHICK TRANSFORMATION: Kyle Texas Fit Chicks!!!

Jessica @ Kyle Texas Fit Chicks

One year ago, I went to my very first Kyle Texas Fit Chicks workout! I had no idea what to expect. I couldn't do one sit-up, had no idea what a burpee or Tabata was, had to take multiple breaks and I started with 3 lb weights. Terah has been so completely amazing and of course has been a HUGE part of my transformation! She was there for me every class for the past year pushing, motivating and challenging me! Also nudging me to step up my weight game along the way, (I am now using 8 and 10lb weights and shopping for 12s! ðŸ˜€) I can't thank her and Texas Fit Chicks enough for helping me on this journey! I'm happy to say I can do about 100 sit-ups now in one sitting, and burpees and Tabatas don't suck as much as they used to!  I've lost 13 pounds and about 14 inches in the past year! Not to mention I feel soooo much better about myself inside and out which is the best progress for me I think!

Want more information?
Kyle Texas Fit Chicks
TFC Camp M.T.TH. at 6:30pm

1 comment:

  1. Thanks! I want to join a fitness workout, too! I jumpstarted my weight loss regimen with the 3 Day Military diet since I wanted to detox myself from sugar, at the same time. The diet was short term but I've since learned about calorie counting, portion control and moving my body by exercising everyday. After the diet, I was cooking more home made meals, using veggies and lean meat plus a healthy dose of the good fat such as olive oil and coconut oil. For more on this, read on http://3daysmilitarydiet.com/blog/marine-corps-diet.html
