Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Fit Chick Challenge Testimony: Autumn

My testimony is as follows:

I am 31 years old and a new mom to a 7 month old baby girl. I have always been into fitness and loved that time to myself. After getting pregnant and having my daughter, I gained so much weight and literally got so down on myself. I've never been a depressed person but not being able to fit into anything and never feeling good enough about the way you look to even leave the house. I got into such a funk to where I was at home all the time and that's because I didn't want anyone to see how I looked. I know as a new mother you shouldn't be so down on yourself but I was. Being unsociable has never been me. I was always outgoing and never passed up a chance to do anything fun. I found this challenge on Facebook and knew I needed something like this to help me get focused and back on track. It was hard at first but when I got going with it, I got enough self esteem to show myself in public. I got back into crossfit and even got my husband to start eating better with me. I am not back where I was before my daughter but I feel better in my clothes, feel better about my image and feel that I'm back to being a good mom and wife as well. I'm not down and sad anymore. I have replaced that with determination to not ever let myself get to that level of depression again. My home is happier, my health is better, and my heart is so thankful for this opportunity that I got to work with Billie Jo and all the other ladies in the group that supported me and pushed me to keep going. This was not only a get healthy and weight loss success for me, it was a life changing even that I conquered and came our better than ever!

Thank you Billie Jo, you did more for me than you will ever know.


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