Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Tricks To Keep Weight Off!

Trick-or-Treat ... parties are approaching and with changes to your routine, things can get a bit out of whack when it comes to your fitness plan. That's part of the reason that the average American gains between 5-7 lbs during this season. Halloween is just the beginning of the big holiday season, so we wanted to share a few simple tricks that can help when it comes to AVOIDING HOLIDAY weight gain!

  • Don't go to the party hungry. Most likely it won't be celery being served as hors d'oeuvres.
  • Limit alcohol at the party. We all know that alcohol messes with your metabolism, but it can also lower your will power to not over-indulge in all the fattening treats (not to mention all the empty calories you will get!)
  • Drink plenty of water. Should go without saying...but increase the amount of water you drink daily, and you won't feel as hungry
  • Keep tabs on caloric totals in your mind. I am not suggesting journaling your food while you are on vacation (although not a bad idea...) - but try to practice "mindful eating" - don't just eat to be eating
  • Only eat when you're hungry. What a concept! :)
  • Know the calorie count of what you're about to eat, to decide if it's worth it. Sometimes it is worth it for that piece of pecan pie....but ignorance is NOT bliss when it comes to eating that way for a solid day or weekend! Decide what you want to indulge in, and make that one or 2 things - and not 8 or 9!! Skip the rolls if you plan to have a piece of pie, etc.
  • Exercise. Your body will feel better and you can work off those extra calories
  • Think about all the hard work you have done up to this point to get where you are. On average, an hour of boot camp burns around 400-500 calories for most women. That can be completely undone by some cheesecake or pecan pie. If you put it in that perspective it might make you think twice about going for a second round of dessert :)
It is so frustrating to see everything you've worked hard for be lost so quickly. Hopefully these tips will help you maintain control of your health and fitness over the holiday season. It's much easier to stay on a roll than to get on a roll!


What is Fit Chicks? 
We create a fun environment for women to lose weight and get FIT! With over 125 camp times and locations across the state of Texas and Oklahoma, we are the leader in womens' fitness. Our trainers are all (female) nationally certified and have a true passion for helping other women GET fit or STAY fit! Designed to be modified for all ages and levels of fitness, Fit Chicks Boot Camp will change the way you look at fitness and yourself! We think every woman should have access to a trainer, at an affordable price. We believe that there is no need to yell, scream or intimidate women into working out and pushing themselves. Our trainers encourage you to push to the next level in a safe and effective way. You won't ever get bored or do the same workout twice! We have many clients that have been with us since we started, in 2009.

Our program is designed to dramatically change the way you look and feel in as little as 4 weeks. Our workouts and female fitness experts can help you reach your goals, in a healthy, sustainable way. Texas Fit Chicks includes a full body composition from your trainer before and after your session, and a free meal plan from a nutritionist to maximize your boot camp results. This plan includes family friendly recipes and printable grocery lists to make healthy eating simple.

For a full list of our locations, please visit our website 

Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Own It October!!!

It's that time again! Do this with us! The holidays are coming fast, and we want you to stick with all the good you are doing. So we're inviting all of our chicks to #OwnitOctober! 
All you need to do are the following:

1. Attend your regular Fit Chick classes 
2. Follow the weekly diet goals outlined below
3. Write a FB testimonial of your experience and use the hashtag #ownitoctober

It's a fun way to hold yourself accountable 
and for us to come together with our Fit Chick community!! 
Have FUN staying FIT!! 

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Fit Chick Transformation!!! Tammie @ North Richland Hills Texas Fit Chicks

May 31st 2017 was a day of awakening for me. I had abused my body until my body just screamed at me that something had to change. I thought I had been severely depressed for the past months. So many things were happening in my life, so that would make sense. I never wanted to get out of bed and my husband had a hard time getting me to wake up. I cried all the time and I mean all the time. What I didn’t know is that I was very sick and getting sicker every day. I mistook sickness for depression.

On Wednesday, I went to the doctor thinking I had a kidney infection but when they checked my sugar level it was 445. Over the next few days I got sicker and sicker until I went to the emergency room. I was in ketoacidosis, sugar level in the 500’s, dehydrated, low on magnesium, potassium, phosphate. My cardiac numbers were all over the place. I was placed in ICU for 3 days and I was told if I had not come in I would have died and that if I didn’t change my life I would surely die. My worst fears had become reality and I had to be on insulin.

So faced with those kinds of facts I decided to fight. I decided right then and there that I would beat this and I would not stay on insulin. I went home and began my battle. From the day I was released from the hospital I did tons of research on how to overcome these obstacles and to get well. So what I learned was exercise and diet. I have followed a low carb, high protein diet since leaving the hospital. I started riding my exercise biked but I knew that would not be enough. Scrolling through Facebook I came across a thing for a free Texas Fit Chicks boot camp. Now I have never been a person to exercise other than walking or riding my exercise biked. In fact I have always hated exercise with a passion. I kept seeing it and finally decided to look into it. I called my niece and asked if she would go to this free boot camp for 1 week at 6am. She was like at 6am? Are you crazy? But then she said “ok lets do it”. Well now it was too late to back out because she was on board. I was so nervous that first morning because I didn’t know what to expect. Oh my goodness, it was the hardest thing I have ever done in my life but I was hooked from day 1. My trainer Michelle asked what our goals were. I said to get off insulin. She said “ok let’s get to work.”

Before that first day I had never heard of burpees much less done one. It took me probably a month before I could actually do one. So when they say this is for all fitness levels, it’s true. They work with you until you can do all the exercises. Now burpees, planks, sit-ups, reverse crunches, push-ups, jogging, jumping jacks, squats, jumping squats, and more burpee’s are an every Tues, Thurs, and Friday reality for me. Before joining I couldn’t put shoes and socks on without effort or climb up and down stairs and just had hardly any mobility. Now I can do all those things and more. All these changes have inspired me to sign up for a 5k and I am working at being able to run most of it. My trainer is so supportive, that she signed up also.

As of September 1st, I have lost 24 pounds, 10.5 inches, down 2 pants sizes and drum roll… I am officially off insulin. My doctor asked what I had been doing and she said keep doing that! So with happy tears I continue this journey to get off all medication. I have 90 more pounds to lose but I know it is possible with my Fit Chicks. Together we are strong and can achieve our goals! 


Michelle Heinrichs, ACE - CPT

North Richland Hills Texas Fit Chicks

Fit Chick Boot Camp in honor of Ovarian Cancer Awareness

Great job Katrina Tozier organizing this amazing workout in honor of Ovarian Cancer Awareness! Wendy Lau LeeTaylor Sellers and LeighAnne helped Kit lead! Trina Pollock Warrick worked out along side her chick battling this awful disease! 

"September is Ovarian Cancer Awareness month and women's health is one of my passions. Women's health not only includes fitness and nutrition but also the knowledge of how to stay healthy in all aspects of our lives. 

Roughly two years ago I lost my mother to ovarian cancer and it tore my world apart. If we had known the signs, if she had gone to the doctor months ago, if we could turn back time... Everyone knows the risks associated with breast cancer and how to detect it but so little information is provided for this whispering disease. 

Join me for a free boot camp with West Allen Texas Fit Chicks to help draw more attention to what health issues we face as women. Help me spread the knowledge of this disease so that a mother, a daughter, a sister or a friend might be spared. Together we can change the world." 

~ Kit Tozier @ West Allen Texas Fit Chicks