Saturday, August 18, 2018

Amanda's Fit Chick Testimony!!

One of the most amazing parts of being a Fit Chick is accomplishing more than you realize you can annnnnd one of the best parts of being a Fit Chick Trainer is empowering women to do these things. Take a minute to read this amazing testimony from my chick Amanda! Talk about an inspiration! She is a lot stronger than she gives herself credit for and I am truly inspired to be with her on her fitness... journey!!

At the young age of 18 I was diagnosed with a rare non curable neurological disease called Charcot Marie Tooth; this condition damages the nerves in the arms and legs.

In the past nine years I have been told I cannot run, jump, or do anything weight bearing for the rest of my life.

With this diagnosis I have been severely depressed and gained an excess amount of weight. I always say that “I just want to be normal” and do all the activities the people around me got to do!

So far, I have tried box gyms, fitness camps, and a personal trainer. Mind you all of these programs are awesome if you have he capabilities to do them! However, I would never return because I felt I couldn’t keep up or felt singled out.

Fast forward to a few months ago...I was scrolling through Facebook and saw Christy’s post for TFC! I was so excited because it was all women! I messaged her and told her I was interested in trying out camp and also my limitations due to my condition. Her response itself had so much motivation!

So one Tuesday I was super hesitant and full of fear and decided to go to class! I can 100 percent say it was the best decision I have ever made and for once I fill like I belong somewhere and the exercises were within reach! I have never once felt discouraged.

With all this being can do it! I have learned that normal is what you make it and to not let limitations choose your path for you!! I will forever be grateful for Christy and her daily motivation and super encouraging words!

Tues.Thurs.Fri 5am or 6am
Hwy 35 & State School Rd.
Christy @
#TexasFitChicks #livethefitlife #TFCUnicorns #lifestylechange #healthyliving #LoveYourBody #ReachYourGoals #getfit #strongwomen #workout #dentontexas #dentonbootcamp #getfitdenton #gethealthydenton #empowering#sisterhood #goals #YouCan #YouMakeYou #MakeYourself #BeConfident #CommitToYourDreams #ComfortZone #FitChicksCrushIt #CharcotMarieTooth
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Fit Chicks Transformation Spotlight!! "Just keep going, you'll get there!"

These two pictures are almost two years apart. The picture on the left was July 2016 - three months after joining Texas Fit Chicks Anna. The picture on the right was the last day of June this year.
Pictures can tell a candid story. I didn't realize the difference between the two pictures until my trainer sent me the side-by-side collage. Her words: "...from top to bottom." 
Yes, I have lost some weight, lost some inches, I'm down two pants sizes, and I've gained some muscle. I'm wearing shorts that aren't covering my knees and blouse with no sleeves AND shoulders. But the new confidence - PRICELESS! 
Consistency has been my friend for the past two years. I'm better for it. If you've been looking to up your game, make consistency your first move -  consistent in making it to class, being consistent with intentional clean eating, consistent in setting goals and crushing them, and consistent in loving who you are and where you are right now. 
It hasn't been easy, but I am so glad I was able push through and make it to this point. My trainer, Trina, has been the best at encouraging me to level up and be extra. My family has been amazing when it comes to support at home. Without a doubt, God has truly blessed me with the drive I needed to get this done. 
I'm so excited about the changes that have happened! What is even more exciting is that this change wasn't a quick fix. I have learned exactly what to do to maintain this lifestyle.
Moral of the story: just keep going, you'll get there!
 Trainer Information:
Trina Warrick
Texas Fit Chicks Anna
Certified Personal Trainer
One Star Director