Friday, January 10, 2014

Rachel's Texas Fit Chicks Success Story!!


Hi my name is Rachel Ding and I am 34 years old and have been attending TFC since October 28th.  I have been married for a year and a half and we have 3 precious sons.  One of which was born on August 21st of this year.  I am a real estate agent and absolutely love what I do and the freedom it provides me for my family. 

I decided to join TFC to get my pre-baby body back and fit back into the clothes in my closet.  I started out as a 30 day Groupon but once the 30 days was up, I was ready to commit for the 6 months.  I love that it is all women and I don't feel embarrassed if I can't do something or do it perfectly.  My favorite exercise would be the various types of planks and pushups we do. I like those because they are the easiest for me to see my growth.  When I first started, I could hardly do 10 modified pushups and now I can do close to all of the pushups that we are challenged to do.  The first time I did 10 military pushups I couldn't believe it...I had only been in bootcamp approx. 6 weeks and could already see how strong I was getting!  My least favorite is the crab walk.  I haven't yet been able to accomplish doing that for any period of time due to a wrist and arm fracture two years ago.  But I know once my core starts to strengthen back up, I will be able to do those also. 

Joining TFC has changed my outlook on getting healthy.  I have started cooking healthy meals for my entire family, not just for myself.  Working out no longer feels like a chore, it has become fun and a way of life.  I enjoy seeing how my body is changing.  I'm not yet in to my pre-prego clothes (I gained 80lbs and my son is only 4 months old) but I am on my way!  I have a lot more confidence and I walk with my head held high because I know I am doing something for myself that makes me a better person as a whole.  And it doesn't hurt that my husband tells me that he can see the results and that my butt is starting to lift!  LOL  Wooo hooo!!! 

If someone asked me about TFC I would tell them that I love it.  I love the fact that it's all women and we share a common bond and goal.  We are able to have fun and laugh but at the same time we get pushed hard but we are not shamed into feeling bad if we can't accomplish something right away.  Lindsey always provides modifications for the exercises in case our fitness level isn't quite there yet.  I also love that she has such a wonderful success story and that she truly is there to help each and every one of us chicks succeed!


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